Goal #1: To Become Organized
Being organized is one of my weaknesses. I often stuff everything into a folder or my bag and not go through it until a week (or two!) later. This is not good practice! It is very imporant for teachers to be organized so that they know what to expect. It also helps with planning. In addition, if everything is organized and kept in the proper place, planning and marking can be done in a more timely and efficient manner.
Objectives to reach this goal:
- Create files/folders/bins for each grade and subject
- Place everything that belongs in a certain file/folder/bin in the correct one - as soon as possible
- Organize and go through on a weekly basis
- Create a "To-Do" list - daily, weekly, and monthly
Goal #2: To Enrich My Knowledge
I believe it is very imporant to have a strong knowledge base to be an effective teacher. The elementary curriculum is so vast and broad, that it is difficult to know everything about everything. However, I would like to have a good foundation of all the subjects and topics that I am expected to teach. I am aware that I will not, and should not, become an expert in any/all areas.
Objectives to reach this goal:
- Develop good professional and personal relationships with colleagues and teachers
- Read "teacher books" on a regular basis - the latest research on exceptionalities, classroom management, etc.
- Attend Professional Development workshops at least once every two months
- Continue to have a personal reflection journal to reflect on my practice
Goal #3: To Become Familiar and Comfortable with Technology
When I began this semester I was very uncomfortable with technology. To be honest, I was afraid that many of our assignments would be "technology related." Really? A technology class with assignments related to technology? Fortunately, my SIPS instructor was so passionate about the use of technology that my fears immediately disappeared. I quickly learned how easy and useful technology can be. Students are surrounded by technology, thus, teachers should use technology whenever appropriate/available.
Objectives to reach this goal:
- "Play" around with technology - visit the Apple store/Futureshop, etc. on a regular basis to see what new technologies are available
- Spend at least 20-30 minutes a day "playing" with technology that I am unfamiliar with
- Incorporate the use of technology in the classroom whenever appropriate so that I can learn from the students if necessary
Goal #4: To Maintain a Life Outside of the Classroom
It can be very difficult to take a day off when you are a teacher. When I was in my field schools I would often come early, stay late, work through lunch, go to work (my job that paid!), then go home and research/plan/prepare, etc. It was very exhausting and no one should have to feel that way every night. I hope to ensure that I do not do this again!
Objectives to reach this goal:
- Do not go to the school more than 60 minutes before the morning bell rings
- Do not leave the school more than 75 minutes after the afternoon bell rings
- When it is time for bed, do not think about school/work - allow myself the time and opportunity to sleep
You have articulated some reasonable and important goals that can be achieved with some organization (!), commitment and effort! Thanks for identifying these goals - I hope by identifying the targets, working towards the targets and keeping track of your progress, that you will be successful in achieving all of these goals! Best of luck and Kind Wishes for the start of a long professional career in a most rewarding profession!! Michele